Rice traditionally grows in flooded areas, or paddies. First, water (several inches deep) is poured into the paddies until the plants are submerged, and then, before harvesting, it is drained from the rice growing plantation. Dry growing. Here, the crop grows in fields that are not flooded.
There are 3 methods of planting upland rice namely; Drill, Dibble, Broadcast. Drilling and Dibbling allow straight row planting that ensures optimum plant population and use of a hoe for weeding. Straight row planting can be achieved by using a planting rope or using line markers.
How many bags of fertilizer per hectare of rice?
. Apply a recommended rate of 6-8 bags of NPK fertiliser per hectare. This is best applied at planting or 10-14 days after planting as a basal treatment.
Healthy seeds should germinate with just a bit of water, warmth and light in 3-5 days. Our germination test protocol is to place seeds onto filter paper in a petri dish, moisten, cover and place in a growth chamber set at 30⁰C with 12 hours of light for 72 hours
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